Turkey at a Glance
Geographical position: located at the convergence of 3 continents & straddle the point where
Europe & Asia meet - known as Asia Minor in history, between - 36-42 north latitude, 26-45
Area: 814. 578 sqm
Neighbors: Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Syria
Government type: A secular, republican, parliamentary democracy
Language: Turkish, a branch of Ural-Altaic group, Latin script
Legal system: Derived from various European continental legal systems
A member of NATO since 1952, a member of UN since 1945
Population: A dynamic nation of 75 million people with an average age of 28
Economy: Turkey' s dynamic economy is a complex mix of modern industry and commerce along
traditional agriculture
One of the fastest growing economies in the world and one of the 10 big emerging markets in
the world
Major Industries: Textile, food, tourism, automotive, electronics, banking, mining, steel,
petroleum products, construction, paper, leather, lumber
Europe's largest supplier of textiles
Exports to 155 countries ranging from cable for the Channel Tunnel to cars to China
A regional centre for international companies such as Coca - Cola, Siemens, Philips, Chase